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1 Settembre 2007

The art of trading
Nuovo Topic   Rispondi   Pagina Stampabile    Indice del forumNadaYoga
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Registrato: Mag 15, 2020
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MessaggioOggetto: The art of trading
Inviato: 13-12-2020 9:19:54
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The art of trading

All the market's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: traders have their exits and their entrances.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx official website.
We all long for a generally effective trading approach to cope with every single movement in the market and make profits stably. Unfortunately, the desire has never and ever been met. Alternatively, people become more fanatical about finding well-performed trading strategies than ever before. They utilized the quantitative methods as much as they knew and new concepts generated from the edge of technology. Now we see a variety of developed trading strategies performed by computer-based tools. Compared to the efforts traders made, this kind of software is not well accepted by the market.

Trading is a combination of subjective perception and objective analysis. However, the truth of the matter is that price movement patterns are so ambiguous that even the most experienced traders agree to their disagreements. If the participators of the market have no comprehensive view on the price movement, they will find no clue of entering the market. Because no one wants to join the losing side when people already know the outcomes. As for the scientific factors in froex trading, the computerized trading tools are updated and improved due to the new technology developments to outperform the market. Published strategies have been studied for ages and most of them are less likely to be developed further. So the investors who use programmed trading strategies are not as sensitive as the ones who do not use the computerized tools in trend reading.
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