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1 Settembre 2007

DaVinci tech "DC100" is the latest electric motorcycle with
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Registrato: Mag 15, 2020
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MessaggioOggetto: DaVinci tech "DC100" is the latest electric motorcycle with
Inviato: 30-09-2021 5:35:37
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DaVinci tech "DC100" is the latest electric motorcycle with countless electronic sensors

China's new venture, DaVinci tech, established in 2013, launched a Book of electric motorcycle "DC100" that has been developed for seven years in China.To get more news about davincimotor, you can visit davincimotor.com official website.

DaVinci tech, composed of 11 faculties of Tsinghua University in China, is a technological innovation company with the goal of "creating more creativity by imagining."
It has been designed by designing from scratch and repeating industrial graphic design, 3D engineering modeling, mechanical structure design, mechanical structure manufacturing, vehicle control system R & D, vehicle equipment and testing over the past seven years, the birth car "DC100" is born It is the latest electric motorcycle equipped with the myriad electronic sensor that pursued safety and efficiency.

DC100 equipped with ambient temperature, battery and temperature of the motor, and the function of sensing the position of the motorcycle to the circumference, is equipped with the driving support function to realize smooth starting and handling in low speed range.

When you select the gear of "d" like four wheels, it automatically accelerates up to 7 km per hour, but you can detect the slope and downhill by the sensor, and in the up and down function, the automatic braking function of the engine is adopted in the downhill, and a convenient reverse gear is also installed in parking.

Also, in the DC 100, the speed control of the front wheel and the rear wheel is measured by the sensor, and the rear wheel has begun to slip, and the traction control to cut the power is also adopted. It also has a power recovery system that charges the battery slightly during inertia and braking.

In addition, it is possible to update the software in the OTA (over the air) method as well as the smartphone in DC 100.

Although the precise specification of the DC 100 battery and the motorized powertrain has not been revealed, DaVinci tech is currently developing a rapid charging system, with the battery remaining from zero to 85% Just say you would like to be able to charge in just 15 minutes.
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