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World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Finally Has a Release
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MessaggioOggetto: World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Finally Has a Release
Inviato: 25-04-2022 2:19:18
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World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Finally Has a Release Date

The seventh World of Warcraft expansion, Battle for Azeroth, will launch on August 14, 2018. The news comes from World of Warcraft director Ion Hazzikostas during a preview event earlier this week.To get more news about Safe WoW Gold, you can visit lootwow.com official website.

The new expansion was revealed at last year's Blizzcon and centers around the historic conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. Blizzard previously suggested a release window for Sepetmebr, but settled on August 14 for the release. The new expansion will put the Horde vs. Alliance conflict at center stage and introduce several new Allied races, new PvE Warfront content, and a PvPvE Island Expedition battle.
The Standard Edition of the game will be available in physical and digital versions for $49.99. There will be a Digital Deluxe Edition for $69.99, which will offer a Seabraid Stallion mount for Alliance players, a Gilded Ravasaur mount for Horde players, a Tottle the Baby Tortollan pet, a new card back for Hearthstone, a mount for Heroes of the Storm, and sprays and icons for Starcraft II and Overwatch.

The physical Collector's Edition will offer everything in the Digital Deluxe Edition in addition to a metal Horde & Alliance Double-Sided Mark of Allegiance, a double-sided hardcover novella depicting the events leading into the Battle for Azeroth, and a digital soundtrack for the game. If you want to grab the Collector's Edition and you've already purchased a digital edition of the game, Blizzard will credit your Blizzard account with the price difference when you redeem your Collector's Edition game key.
Battle for Azeroth opens up the islands of Kul'Tiras and Zandalar, with each faction in control of their own continent to explore. The new level cap is set at 120 and each side will get three new allied races. The Nightborne Elves, Highmountain Tauren and Zenadalari Trolls join the Horde, while the Void Elves, Lightforged Draenei and Dark Iron Dwarves join the Alliance.

The Warfronts in particular highlight the Horde/Alliance conflict at the heart of the expansion. Each Warfront is tied to a zone that's owned by one of the two factions and players of each faction will jostle to conquer each other team's Warfronts.

The Battle for Azeroth expansion will also feature a new level scaling mechanic that will affect all of World of Warcraft. Basically, it will make it so that all zones will be relevant to the player regardless of level. Every single zone will scale to the level of the player along with the enemies within them.

However, that doesn't mean the whole game is suddenly open to all players. There will be a maximum level that zones can scale to based on the player's level.

We have much more on the upcoming Battle for Azeroth expansion so check out our World of Warcraft guide for the full details about all the new changes coming with Blizzard's latest expansion.
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