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5 Best Juicers, Tested by Food Network Kitchen
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MessaggioOggetto: 5 Best Juicers, Tested by Food Network Kitchen
Inviato: 25-04-2022 2:48:26
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5 Best Juicers, Tested by Food Network Kitchen

You know the importance of maintaining a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables. The nutrients are undeniably important for health and wellness. The problem is that it isn’t always easy to prepare and consume all the fruits and vegetables we actually need. It’s no wonder why juicing has taken off in popularity in recent decades. Imagine getting your total required daily serving of fruits and vegetables in a single glass of easy-to-drink juice. Whether you are already a juicing pro or just juice-curious, we’ve rounded up the best juicers after putting them through rigorous testing.To get more news about tube et jujubes, you can visit hl-juicer.com official website.

The process of juicing may seem simple, but there are different designs on the market that have pros and cons on both sides. Most home juicers are either centrifugal or masticating.
Centrifugal juicers use a spinning blade-lined metal mesh basket to shred fruits and vegetables to pulp. Gravity pulls the juice down through the mesh and out to the juice cup, while centrifugal force whisks the pulp that’s left behind up and over the side of the basket to the attached waste bucket. This type of juicer is fast, easy to use and generally needs less parts, so easier to clean. Centrifugal juicers can come up short when juicing tough greens as the produce is not pressed against the screen long enough for much juice to be extracted and much of it ending up in the waste bucket. This type can also create oxidation in the juice which leads to more foam and separation.

Masticating juicers are sometimes also known as slow juicers. Some operate vertically and some horizontally, however both work the same way. These types of juicers use an auger (a corkscrew-type part) to slowly mash produce against a strainer to separate juice from pulp. Produce cannot pass without being mashed by the auger, and for this reason it can extract more juice from tougher produce. Many believe that slow or masticating juicers create less foam, heat and oxidation, therefore more nutrients are transferred to the juice and there is less waste. These types of juicers can take more time than a centrifugal juicer but ultimately produce more juice. One downside to this kind of juicer is that food that is not mashed small enough by the auger can become jammed inside, requiring the user to reverse the mechanism or take the entire juicer apart to clear. Another downside is that the food chutes for this type are often smaller and require food to be cut before inserting.
All juicers create fresh-squeezed fruit and vegetable juice and there is no evidence to support that either type of juicer creates a substantially lower nutrient juice. Some heat may release certain types of vitamins, but most studies have conducted this test with temperatures upwards of 180 degrees F, which no juicer comes close to.

Masticating juicers can extract more juice and more juice means more nutrients. For this reason, masticating juicers may be considered ‘healthier’. However, some juice is better than no juice, so you should choose the juicer that works best for your lifestyle and budget.

What To Know About Cleaning a Juicer
Many juicers have dishwasher-safe parts, but some do not. The most important thing about cleaning a juicer is that fruits and vegetables contain moisture and sugar. If a juicer isn’t cleaned right away, all the bits of pulp and sticky juice can make cleaning much more difficult. All the juicers we tested came with handy scrub brushes to help clean particles out of the fine mesh screens that filter the juice from the pulp.
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